Connecting horses and people to inspire change

’Sometimes it is the smallest decisions that can change your life for ever.

In a safe, respectful and confidential space you will:

  • Understand the cause and effect of your life choices. 

  • Create the life you desire.

  • Recognise old habits that no longer serve you.

  • Build your self belief to make new life choices, confidently.

  • Build emotional intelligence.

  • Find true contentment in life.

How it work with the horse as your companion on your journey of self discovery.

We start in the arena and you are asked to focus on one thing you would like to change. You are then asked to take some obstacles as metaphors for you desired out come usually between 6 to 8 obstacles these can represent people places feelings and situations. Whilst walking with the horse it can quickly become obvious which obstacles are important by how the horse reacts to them. Kate reads the tiniest ways the horse mirrors what is going on inside the human.Which is fed back to you. As humans we spend a lot of time hiding our feelings often not just from others but from ourselves and this can cause a disconnect. We are focused back to out true and honest selves.

In our first session, and in the presence of an equine companion, we explore your focus and energy to better understand your limiting beliefs ,what is holding you back from being the best version of yourself possible.

This session is held in a safe, open environment and no prior equine experience is needed.